Our Clients Love The Company They Keep...

Bill Kelso
CPCU , President & Chief Executive Officer
Specialty Risk of America | Special Insurance Services, Inc.
Bill Kelso
Steve Miller
Current Board member & Retd CEO
California Mutual Insurance Company
I have been in the insurance industry for over 40 years with both larger multi-state and smaller carriers in various positions of management. I was also heavily involved with data processing systems, particularly at the smaller carriers, where technology is critical to their operations.
Early in my tenure as CEO at California Mutual we embarked (in 2005) on bringing in a new data processing system. After a thorough search, we chose SimpleSolve. That turned out to be a very wise decision. SimpleSolve provided a system that was ahead of the industry at the time. And, SimpleSolve performed as they promised. More importantly, SimpleSolve has been very much a partner with California Mutual over the years. Our relationship with SimpleSolve has been valuable.
SimpleSolve exhibits a strong sense and knowledge of the insurance industry and its processes.
One of the strengths of a software company is its ability to keep up with changes in technology. SimpleSolve has done that, and we are now in the process of upgrading to SimpleSolve’s new platform, SimpleINSPIRE. We are very excited about this upgrade as the new platform has all the new technologies and it will allow us to better innovate our processes - in workflow, in our risk selection, in access to outside data, in adoption of AI, etc. Again, SimpleSolve has been very much a partner in this upgrade and has done as promised. California Mutual will begin the new year ahead of the industry.
Steve Miller
Tom King
ex (Retd) CIO
For multiple subsidiaries of a leading multi-billion-dollar P&C Carrier
Tom King
Chris Baker, CPA, CGMA
Chief Financial Officer
Specialty Risk of America | Special Insurance Services, Inc.
“Working with SimpleSolve is a delight. They take the time to understand our needs and actively offer advice based on their experience. It was also refreshing that SimpleSolve understands the importance of the data reporting function of a policy and claims system.”